Quota = 67108864
+; Enable plus aliases: allow an alias to be expanded to the mailbox name with a "+" sign.
+; E.g.: <foobar+cats@example.com> and <foobar+goats@example.com> will automatically
+; address the same mailbox without having to list them on an "Alias" list or anything.
+; You can safely make up as many +alias addresses as you want without having to change
+; the mail server config.
+; FYI: GMail also supports this, e.g. if you send e-mail to <yourgoogleid+alias@gmail.com>,
+; you will receive it into your mailbox at <yourgoogleid@gmail.com>.
+; If "PlusAliases" is turned off, "+" characters in mailbox addresses will not be treated
+; specially in any way.
+PlusAliases = On
+; You have the opportunity to disable some plus aliases - e-mails destinated to such
+; aliases will be rejected.
+; In this example, e-mails to <you+spam@example.com> and <you+viagranews@example.com>
+; will be rejected, while other plus aliases like <you+cats@example.com> will continue
+; to work. This is useful when you start to get unsolicited e-mails to one of your
+; plus-aliased e-mail addresses, and you want to put an end on it: the best part is that
+; it won't affect other aliases for your mailbox.
+; "PlusAliasExcept" is the global, mail-server-wide setting, which will be default for
+; all mailboxes those don't have this directive, but will be completely overridden if
+; set for an individual mailbox.
+; "GlobalPlusAliasExcept" will be added to the "PlusAliasExcept" list of all individual
+; mailboxes.
+;PlusAliasExcept = spam,viagranews
+;GlobalPlusAliasExcept =
; Below you can enable "domain-specific mailboxes", which allows you to set up a limited
; form of virtual hosting. Assume your mail server is receiving e-mails for
; yourdomain.com and otherdomain.com. Both of these domains are supplied at
; Domain-specific mailboxes:
+;Quota = 0
+;ForwardTo = littlekittens@yourdomain.tld
+;GlobalPlusAliasExcept = dogs
;Alias = contact,information
; domains (i.e. you want to add "monkey@xxdomain.com" as an alias for
; "donkey@yydomain.com"), the normal "Alias" key won't work! In this case, you need to
; use "RewriteTo" or "ForwardTo".
+; - Most mailbox-specific settings can be set under [Mailbox\@mydomain.tld] sections,
+; which makes them the default for the domain-specific mailboxes belong to the given
+; domain. This won't have an effect on mailboxes those are not domain-specific (i.e.
+; their mailbox file name doesn't have a "@" sign), even if they are addressed by
+; an alias domain.
; The "Relay" section defines the server's relay rules.