From: MegaBrutal <>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 19:05:25 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Add Bianca dialogues

Add Bianca dialogues

	modified:   wgj58.js

diff --git a/wgj58.js b/wgj58.js
index 66344a8..42f0485 100644
--- a/wgj58.js
+++ b/wgj58.js
@@ -623,6 +623,80 @@ class NPC_Peter extends GameNPC {
 class NPC_Bianca extends GameNPC {
+	actionTalk() {
+		if (logic.peter.alive) {
+			switch (this.talkcount) {
+				case 0:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: logic.player, text: "... Hi Bianca!" },
+						{ actor: this, text: "... Hello John!" },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "So I've been told, you've been spending most of the day in this meeting room..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Yeah?" },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "... Your colleagues want to hold a meeting in this room and you're blocking it." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Hmm... Kind of that's the point... There is no need for that meeting." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "May I know why?" },
+						{ actor: this, text: "You must have heard about the layoffs. We weren't happy with that, but it was inevitable to meet the productivity requirements." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "But today morning, I received a list with about 50% of the employees... Many of them are great friends of mine..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "We were like a big family here and we're torn apart like this... The worst is that I have to tell the news to all of them." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "That's rough. Does this company even need people?" },
+						{ actor: this, text: "..." } ] ));
+					logic.openDoor("cutedoor");
+					logic.closeDoor("peterdoor");
+					break;
+				case 1:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: logic.player, text: "Bianca... Am I on that list?" },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Yes, John." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Well, I'll try to convince them to keep you and many other great folks from the list." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "But... I can't promise anything. Also, it would help your case a lot if you made some notable work today, so I could mention it as your recent achievement." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "Thank you very much... I'll see what I can do." } ] ));
+					break;
+				case 2:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: logic.player, text: "You seem to be somehow blaming yourself. It's not your fault. You're just doing your job." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "I know. It's just part of my work..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "But if you have to sweep out such a great volume of people within such a short time... It does take its toll on the person." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "... I feel like I'm growing distant from the company." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "I mean... probably it's heresy to say that, but I feel I can less and less identify with the company's values." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "Yeah, you should definitely not talk about it to others... I mean, maybe only those you deeply trust." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "I don't care anymore..." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "Fine." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "See... probably there is no need for such drama. Maybe it's for the best for everyone." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "... After all, there IS life beyond the company..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "You think so?..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Hmm..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "I never thought about it for a long time..." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "There are plenty of other opportunities for us! Everything will be fine!" },
+						{ actor: this, text: "..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Thank you. This helped me to regain a bit of my composure..." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "You're welcome." } ] ));
+					this.makeHappy();
+					break;
+				default:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: this, text: "Thank you. I'll go back to work soon. Just give some more minutes of alone time." } ] ));
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			switch (this.talkcount) {
+				case 0:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: logic.player, text: "..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "... So you came for me too." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "I know what you are..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "..." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Let's get over with." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "..." } ] ));
+					break;
+				default:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: this, text: "What are you waiting for?" } ] ));
+			}
+		}
+		super.actionTalk();
+	}
+	actionLeave() {
+		if (this.happy) {
+			logic.gameinterface.dropNotice(this.shortname + ": Thank you. I'll go back to work soon.");
+		}
+	}
 	actionTake() {
 		// All doors open for you if you have all the cards.