From: MegaBrutal <>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 02:45:00 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Add Peter & Clara afternoon dialogue

Add Peter & Clara afternoon dialogue

	modified:   wgj58.js

diff --git a/wgj58.js b/wgj58.js
index e07d397..71b0484 100644
--- a/wgj58.js
+++ b/wgj58.js
@@ -606,6 +606,14 @@ class NPC_Saiki extends GameNPC {
 class NPC_Peter extends GameNPC {
 	actionTalk() {
+		/* If Peter is happy, she's already teleported to Clara. */
+		if (!this.happy)
+			this.actionTalk_morning();
+		else
+			this.actionTalk_afternoon();
+	}
+	actionTalk_morning() {
 		if (logic.saiki.alive) {
 			switch (this.talkcount) {
 				case 0:
@@ -680,6 +688,49 @@ class NPC_Peter extends GameNPC {
+	actionTalk_afternoon () {
+		if (logic.bianca.alive) {
+			switch (this.talkcount) {
+				case 0:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: this, text: "Hey John!" },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "Hey, what's up?" },
+						{ actor: this, text: "I just asked Clara out on a date!" },
+						{ actor: logic.clara, text: "Shhhsh, don't brag about it! I'm a person, not a prize." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Sorry..." },
+						{ actor: logic.clara, text: "It's OK... Uhm... Sorry, John... I always liked Peter... but when you asked me out, I felt intimidated and a little uncomfortable." } ] ));
+					break;
+				case 1:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: logic.player, text: "I'm sorry, Clara, I didn't mean to be inappropriate... situations like this are always so complicated..." },
+						{ actor: logic.clara, text: "Never mind, John. I didn't handle it properly either. Apology accepted." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Everyone's happy, I guess." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "Not really. Maybe I'm gonna be fired." },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Haha, you're a joker!" } ] ));
+					break;
+				case 2:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: this, text: "*Whispers.* Khm, no offense, but it would be nice if you excused yourself and leave. You know how it is..." } ] ));
+					break;
+				case 3:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: logic.player, text: "Oh, time goes so fast... I have to go. Bye!" } ] ));
+					break;
+				default:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: logic.player, text: "..." } ] ));
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			switch (this.talkcount) {
+				case 0:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: this, text: "..." },
+						{ actor: logic.clara, text: "..." },
+						{ actor: logic.player, text: "Hey there!... Uhm... Don't you have anything better to do?" },
+						{ actor: this, text: "Yeah, I would totally have if you weren't been blocking the meeting room!" } ] ));
+					break;
+				default:
+ Dialogue( [ { actor: logic.player, text: "Get back to work! Don't make me say it again!" } ] ));
+			}
+		}
+		super.actionTalk();
+	}
 	actionTake() {
@@ -690,12 +741,13 @@ class NPC_Peter extends GameNPC {
 	endTalk() {
-		return (logic.saiki.alive) && (this.talkcount < 3);
+		return (logic.saiki.alive) && (this.talkcount < 3) && (!this.happy);
 	tpDone(value) {
 		console.log("Woot-woot! Teleport complete:", value);
+		value.resetTalk();
 		// FIXME: Need to find a prettier way than this.
 		logic.clara.update = function() { };		// Disable Clara's interaction. (Peter will talk for him.)