[mgsmtp.git] / Mailbox.pas
1 {
2 MegaBrutal's SMTP Server (MgSMTP)
3 Copyright (C) 2010-2015 MegaBrutal
5 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16 along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 }
19 {
20 Unit: Mailbox
21 Administers mailboxes. It implements methods to place messages into the
22 mailbox files.
23 }
28 unit Mailbox;
30 interface
31 uses SysUtils, SyncObjs, Classes, INIFiles, Common, Log, Spool;
33 type
35 PMailbox = ^TMailbox;
36 TMailbox = class(TNamedObject)
37 constructor Create(const Name, Domain: string; Config: TINIFile; Slave: boolean; DefaultQuota: longint);
38 destructor Destroy; override;
39 protected
40 FDomain: string;
41 FQuota, FLockID: longint;
42 CriticalSection: TCriticalSection;
43 private
44 FPlusAliases: boolean;
45 FRewritePassThru: boolean;
46 PlusAliasExceptList: TStringList;
47 RewriteToList: TStringList;
48 MailboxFile: TStream;
49 procedure AddTrackHeaders(EMail, Recipient: string; Headers: TStrings);
50 { class function GetConfigSectionName(const Name, Domain: string): string; }
51 class function GetMailboxConfig(Config: TINIFile; const Name, Domain, Ident, Default: string): string; overload;
52 class function GetMailboxConfig(Config: TINIFile; const Name, Domain, Ident: string; Default: boolean): boolean; overload;
53 public
54 function IsItYourName(const Name: string): boolean; override;
55 function GetMailboxAddress: string;
56 function CheckAlias(const Name: string): boolean;
57 function CheckQuota(MailSize: longint): boolean; virtual; abstract;
58 function BeginDeliverMessage(LockID: longint; EMail, Recipient, SpoolID: string; EMailProperties: TEMailProperties; Headers: TStrings): boolean; virtual; abstract;
59 function DeliverMessagePart(LockID: longint; Message: TStrings): boolean; virtual; abstract;
60 function FinishDeliverMessage(LockID: longint): boolean; virtual; abstract;
61 function Lock: longint; virtual; abstract;
62 function Release(LockID: longint): boolean; virtual; abstract;
63 function GetRewriteCount: integer;
64 function GetRewriteToEntry(i: integer): string;
65 function GetRewriteToListStr: string;
66 property Domain: string read FDomain;
67 property Quota: longint read FQuota;
68 property RewriteCount: integer read GetRewriteCount;
69 property RewritePassThru: boolean read FRewritePassThru;
70 end;
72 TMailbox_mbox = class(TMailbox)
73 private
74 procedure FromQuote(var Message: TStrings);
75 function MakeMailboxFilename: string;
76 public
77 function CheckQuota(MailSize: longint): boolean; override;
78 function BeginDeliverMessage(LockID: longint; EMail, Recipient, SpoolID: string; EMailProperties: TEMailProperties; Headers: TStrings): boolean; override;
79 function DeliverMessagePart(LockID: longint; Message: TStrings): boolean; override;
80 function FinishDeliverMessage(LockID: longint): boolean; override;
81 function Lock: longint; override;
82 function Release(LockID: longint): boolean; override;
83 end;
85 TForwarderMailbox = class(TMailbox)
86 constructor Create(const Name, Domain: string; Config: TINIFile; Slave: boolean; DefaultQuota: longint; PhysicalMailbox: TMailbox);
87 destructor Destroy; override;
88 private
89 PhysicalMailbox: TMailbox;
90 ForwardToList: TStringList;
91 SpoolObject: TSpoolObjectCreator;
92 OrigSpoolID: string;
93 FReplyTo: string;
94 FForwardHeaders, FRemail: boolean;
95 public
96 function CheckQuota(MailSize: longint): boolean; override;
97 function BeginDeliverMessage(LockID: longint; EMail, Recipient, SpoolID: string; EMailProperties: TEMailProperties; Headers: TStrings): boolean; override;
98 function DeliverMessagePart(LockID: longint; Message: TStrings): boolean; override;
99 function FinishDeliverMessage(LockID: longint): boolean; override;
100 function Lock: longint; override;
101 function Release(LockID: longint): boolean; override;
102 property ReplyTo: string read FReplyTo;
103 property ForwardHeaders: boolean read FForwardHeaders;
104 property Remail: boolean read FRemail;
105 end;
108 TBoxes = array of TMailbox;
109 TDomainBoxes = array of TBoxes;
111 TMailboxContainer = class(TStringList)
112 public
113 destructor Destroy; override;
114 protected
115 DomainBoxes: TDomainBoxes;
116 public
117 procedure AddMailbox(const Domain: string; Mailbox: TMailbox);
118 function GetMailbox(const Name, Domain: string): PMailbox;
119 end;
122 TMailboxManager = class
123 constructor Create(Config: TINIFile);
124 destructor Destroy; override;
125 private
126 MailboxContainer: TMailboxContainer;
127 DefaultQuota: longint;
128 FDomainSpecific: boolean;
129 FRewrite, FForward: boolean;
130 public
131 property DomainSpecific: boolean read FDomainSpecific;
132 property Rewrite: boolean read FRewrite;
133 property Forward: boolean read FForward;
134 function CheckQuota(const Name, Domain: string; MailSize: longint): boolean;
135 function GetMailbox(const Name, Domain: string): PMailbox;
136 function IsLocalAddress(const EMail: string): boolean;
137 function Verify(const EMail: string): boolean;
138 function VerifyAlias(const EMail: string): boolean;
139 end;
142 var
144 MailboxManager: TMailboxManager;
147 implementation
149 const
151 { Search attributes: }
152 SEARCH_ATTR = faAnyFile - faDirectory - faVolumeID - faHidden;
155 constructor TMailbox.Create(const Name, Domain: string; Config: TINIFile; Slave: boolean; DefaultQuota: longint);
156 var Section, BaseList: string;
157 begin
158 if Length(Domain) = 0 then
159 Section:= 'Mailbox\' + Name
160 else
161 Section:= 'Mailbox\' + Name + '@' + Domain;
163 inherited Create(Name, Config, Section);
164 FDomain:= Domain;
165 FQuota:= Config.ReadInteger(Section, 'Quota', DefaultQuota);
166 FQuota:= StrToIntDef(GetMailboxConfig(Config, Name, Domain, 'Quota', IntToStr(DefaultQuota)), DefaultQuota);
167 FLockID:= 0;
168 CriticalSection:= TCriticalSection.Create;
170 if (not Slave) then begin
171 FPlusAliases:= GetMailboxConfig(Config, Name, Domain, 'PlusAliases', true);
172 if FPlusAliases then begin
173 PlusAliasExceptList:= TStringList.Create;
174 PlusAliasExceptList.Delimiter:= ',';
175 BaseList:= GetMailboxConfig(Config, Name, Domain, 'PlusAliasExcept', '');
176 if Length(Domain) > 0 then
177 PlusAliasExceptList.DelimitedText:= BaseList + ',' + Config.ReadString('Mailbox\@' + Domain, 'GlobalPlusAliasExcept', '')
178 else
179 PlusAliasExceptList.DelimitedText:= BaseList + ',' + Config.ReadString('Mailbox', 'GlobalPlusAliasExcept', '');
181 end;
182 end;
184 if (not Slave) and Config.ReadBool('Mailbox', 'Rewrite', false) then begin
185 RewriteToList:= TStringList.Create;
186 RewriteToList.Delimiter:= ',';
187 RewriteToList.DelimitedText:= GetMailboxConfig(Config, Name, Domain, 'RewriteTo', '');
188 FRewritePassThru:= GetMailboxConfig(Config, Name, Domain, 'RewritePassThru', true);
189 end
190 else FRewritePassThru:= true;
191 end;
193 destructor TMailbox.Destroy;
194 begin
195 CriticalSection.Free;
196 end;
198 constructor TForwarderMailbox.Create(const Name, Domain: string; Config: TINIFile; Slave: boolean; DefaultQuota: longint; PhysicalMailbox: TMailbox);
199 begin
200 inherited Create(Name, Domain, Config, Slave, DefaultQuota);
201 Self.PhysicalMailbox:= PhysicalMailbox;
203 FReplyTo:= GetMailboxConfig(Config, Name, Domain, 'ReplyTo', '');
204 FForwardHeaders:= GetMailboxConfig(Config, Name, Domain, 'ForwardHeaders', true);
205 FRemail:= GetMailboxConfig(Config, Name, Domain, 'Remail', false);
207 ForwardToList:= TStringList.Create;
208 ForwardToList.Delimiter:= ',';
209 ForwardToList.DelimitedText:= GetMailboxConfig(Config, Name, Domain, 'ForwardTo', '');
210 end;
212 destructor TForwarderMailbox.Destroy;
213 begin
214 inherited Destroy;
215 ForwardToList.Free;
216 if (PhysicalMailbox <> nil) then PhysicalMailbox.Free;
217 end;
219 destructor TMailboxContainer.Destroy;
220 var i, j: integer;
221 begin
222 for i:= Length(DomainBoxes) - 1 downto 0 do begin
223 for j:= Length(DomainBoxes[i]) - 1 downto 0 do begin
224 DomainBoxes[i][j].Free;
225 end;
226 end;
227 inherited Destroy;
228 end;
230 constructor TMailboxManager.Create(Config: TINIFile);
231 var SearchRec: TSearchRec; i: integer; BoxName, BoxDomain: string;
232 SlaveMailbox: TMailBox;
233 begin
234 inherited Create;
235 DefaultQuota:= Config.ReadInteger('Mailbox', 'Quota', 0);
236 FDomainSpecific:= Config.ReadBool('Mailbox', 'DomainSpecific', false);
237 FRewrite:= Config.ReadBool('Mailbox', 'Rewrite', false);
238 FForward:= Config.ReadBool('Mailbox', 'Forward', false);
239 MailboxContainer:= TMailboxContainer.Create;
240 if FindFirst('mail\*', SEARCH_ATTR, SearchRec) = 0 then begin
241 i:= 0;
242 repeat
243 if DomainSpecific then begin
244 BoxName:= EMailUserName(SearchRec.Name);
245 BoxDomain:= EMailHost(SearchRec.Name);
246 end
247 else begin
248 BoxName:= SearchRec.Name;
249 BoxDomain:= '';
250 end;
252 { If forwarding requested, set up a forwarder mailbox. }
254 if Forward and (Length(TMailbox.GetMailboxConfig(Config, BoxName, BoxDomain, 'ForwardTo', '')) > 0) then begin
256 if TMailbox.GetMailboxConfig(Config, BoxName, BoxDomain, 'StoreLocalCopy', true) then
257 SlaveMailbox:= TMailbox_mbox.Create(BoxName, BoxDomain, Config, true, DefaultQuota)
258 else
259 SlaveMailbox:= nil;
261 MailboxContainer.AddMailbox(BoxDomain, TForwarderMailbox.Create(BoxName, BoxDomain, Config, false, DefaultQuota, SlaveMailbox));
262 end
263 else
264 MailboxContainer.AddMailbox(BoxDomain, TMailbox_mbox.Create(BoxName, BoxDomain, Config, false, DefaultQuota));
266 Inc(i);
267 until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
268 end;
269 FindClose(SearchRec);
270 end;
272 destructor TMailboxManager.Destroy;
273 begin
274 MailboxContainer.Free;
275 inherited Destroy;
276 end;
279 procedure TMailbox.AddTrackHeaders(EMail, Recipient: string; Headers: TStrings);
280 begin
281 Headers.Insert(0, 'Return-Path: <' + EMail + '>');
282 Headers.Insert(0, 'X-Original-To: <' + Recipient + '>');
283 end;
285 {class function TMailbox.GetConfigSectionName(const Name, Domain: string): string;
286 begin
287 if Length(Domain) = 0 then
288 Result:= 'Mailbox\' + Name
289 else
290 Result:= 'Mailbox\' + Name + '@' + Domain;
291 end;}
293 class function TMailbox.GetMailboxConfig(Config: TINIFile; const Name, Domain, Ident, Default: string): string;
294 begin
295 if Length(Domain) > 0 then
296 Result:= Config.ReadString('Mailbox\' + Name + '@' + Domain, Ident,
297 Config.ReadString('Mailbox\@' + Domain, Ident,
298 Config.ReadString('Mailbox', Ident, Default)))
299 else
300 Result:= Config.ReadString('Mailbox\' + Name, Ident,
301 Config.ReadString('Mailbox', Ident, Default));
302 end;
304 class function TMailbox.GetMailboxConfig(Config: TINIFile; const Name, Domain, Ident: string; Default: boolean): boolean;
305 begin
306 if Length(Domain) > 0 then
307 Result:= Config.ReadBool('Mailbox\' + Name + '@' + Domain, Ident,
308 Config.ReadBool('Mailbox\@' + Domain, Ident,
309 Config.ReadBool('Mailbox', Ident, Default)))
310 else
311 Result:= Config.ReadBool('Mailbox\' + Name, Ident,
312 Config.ReadBool('Mailbox', Ident, Default));
313 end;
315 function TMailbox.IsItYourName(const Name: string): boolean;
316 var p: integer;
317 begin
318 if FPlusAliases then begin
319 p:= Pos('+', Name);
320 if p <> 0 then
321 Result:= inherited IsItYourName(Copy(Name, 1, p - 1))
322 else
323 Result:= inherited IsItYourName(Name);
324 end
325 else
326 Result:= inherited IsItYourName(Name);
327 end;
329 function TMailbox.GetMailboxAddress: string;
330 begin
331 if Length(Domain) = 0 then
332 Result:= Name + '@' + MainServerConfig.Name
333 else
334 Result:= Name + '@' + Domain;
335 end;
337 function TMailbox.CheckAlias(const Name: string): boolean;
338 var p: integer;
339 begin
340 p:= Pos('+', Name);
341 if p <> 0 then
342 Result:= PlusAliasExceptList.IndexOf(Copy(Name, p + 1, Length(Name) - p)) = -1
343 else
344 Result:= true;
345 end;
347 function TMailbox.GetRewriteCount: integer;
348 begin
349 Result:= RewriteToList.Count;
350 end;
352 function TMailbox.GetRewriteToEntry(i: integer): string;
353 begin
354 Result:= RewriteToList.Strings[i];
355 end;
357 function TMailbox.GetRewriteToListStr: string;
358 begin
359 Result:= RewriteToList.DelimitedText;
360 end;
363 procedure TMailbox_mbox.FromQuote(var Message: TStrings);
364 var i: integer;
365 begin
366 for i:= 0 to Message.Count - 1 do
367 if pos('From ', Message.Strings[i]) = 1 then
368 Message.Strings[i]:= '>' + Message.Strings[i];
369 end;
371 function TMailbox_mbox.MakeMailboxFilename: string;
372 begin
373 if Length(Domain) = 0 then
374 Result:= 'mail\' + Name
375 else
376 Result:= 'mail\' + Name + '@' + Domain;
377 end;
379 function TMailbox_mbox.CheckQuota(MailSize: longint): boolean;
380 { Returns FALSE if the given message size would exceed the quota. }
381 var SearchRec: TSearchRec;
382 begin
383 if FindFirst(MakeMailboxFilename, SEARCH_ATTR, SearchRec) = 0 then
384 Result:= ((SearchRec.Size + MailSize) <= FQuota) or (FQuota = 0)
385 else
386 Result:= false;
387 FindClose(SearchRec);
388 end;
390 function TMailbox_mbox.BeginDeliverMessage(LockID: longint; EMail, Recipient, SpoolID: string; EMailProperties: TEMailProperties; Headers: TStrings): boolean;
391 var NL, Line: string;
392 begin
393 if (FLockID <> 0) and (FLockID = LockID) then begin
394 case DefaultTextLineBreakStyle of
395 tlbsLF: NL:= #10;
396 tlbsCRLF: NL:= #13#10;
397 tlbsCR: NL:= #13;
398 end;
400 {FromQuote(Headers);}
401 AddTrackHeaders(EMail, Recipient, Headers);
402 Headers.Insert(0, 'Delivered-To: ' + GetMailboxAddress);
403 try
404 if Length(EMail) = 0 then EMail:= 'MAILER-DAEMON';
405 Line:= 'From ' + EMail + ' ' + EMailTimeStamp(Now) + NL;
406 MailboxFile.WriteBuffer(Pointer(Line)^,Length(Line));
407 Headers.SaveToStream(MailboxFile);
408 MailboxFile.WriteBuffer(Pointer(NL)^,Length(NL));
409 Result:= true;
410 except
411 Result:= false;
412 end;
413 end
414 else Result:= false;
415 end;
417 function TMailbox_mbox.DeliverMessagePart(LockID: longint; Message: TStrings): boolean;
418 begin
419 if (FLockID <> 0) and (FLockID = LockID) then begin
420 FromQuote(Message);
421 try
422 Message.SaveToStream(MailboxFile);
423 Result:= true;
424 except
425 Result:= false;
426 end;
427 end
428 else Result:= false;
429 end;
431 function TMailbox_mbox.FinishDeliverMessage(LockID: longint): boolean;
432 begin
433 if (FLockID <> 0) and (FLockID = LockID) then begin
434 try
435 MailboxFile.WriteBuffer(#13#10, 2);
436 Result:= true;
437 except
438 Result:= false;
439 end;
440 end
441 else Result:= false;
442 end;
444 function TMailbox_mbox.Lock: longint;
445 begin
446 CriticalSection.Acquire;
447 if FLockID = 0 then begin
448 try
449 MailboxFile:= TFileStream.Create(MakeMailboxFilename, fmOpenReadWrite);
450 FLockID:= (MailboxFile as TFileStream).Handle;
451 MailboxFile.Seek(0, soFromEnd);
452 except
453 try
454 FreeAndNil(MailboxFile);
455 except
456 end;
457 FLockID:= 0;
458 end;
459 Result:= FLockID;
460 end
461 else Result:= 0;
462 CriticalSection.Release;
463 end;
465 function TMailbox_mbox.Release(LockID: longint): boolean;
466 begin
467 CriticalSection.Acquire;
468 if (FLockID <> 0) and (FLockID = LockID) then begin
469 FreeAndNil(MailboxFile);
470 FLockID:= 0;
471 end
472 else Result:= false;
473 CriticalSection.Release;
474 end;
477 function TForwarderMailbox.CheckQuota(MailSize: longint): boolean;
478 { Returns FALSE if the given message size would exceed the quota. }
479 begin
480 if PhysicalMailbox <> nil then
481 Result:= PhysicalMailbox.CheckQuota(MailSize)
482 else
483 Result:= true;
484 end;
486 function TForwarderMailbox.BeginDeliverMessage(LockID: longint; EMail, Recipient, SpoolID: string; EMailProperties: TEMailProperties; Headers: TStrings): boolean;
487 var i: integer;
488 begin
489 if (FLockID <> 0) and (FLockID = LockID) then begin
490 if PhysicalMailbox = nil then begin
491 AddTrackHeaders(EMail, Recipient, Headers);
492 Result:= true;
493 end
494 else begin
495 Result:= PhysicalMailbox.BeginDeliverMessage(LockID, EMail, Recipient, SpoolID, EMailProperties, Headers);
496 end;
498 if Result then begin
499 SpoolObject:= SpoolManager.CreateSpoolObject(TIPNamePair.Create('internal', ''));
500 //PrepareSpoolObject(EMail, ForwardSpoolObject, Headers);
501 SpoolObject.Databytes:= 0;
503 SpoolObject.EMailProperties.Size:= EMailProperties.Size;
504 SpoolObject.EMailProperties.Flags:= EMailProperties.Flags;
505 OrigSpoolID:= SpoolID;
507 { Forward or remail? Regardless of the settings, DSNs only get forwarded
508 and never get remailed. (Remailing them could cause a loop.) }
509 if (not Remail) or (EMail = '') then
510 SpoolObject.Envelope.ReturnPath:= EMail
511 else
512 SpoolObject.Envelope.ReturnPath:= Recipient;
514 for i:= 0 to ForwardToList.Count - 1 do
515 SpoolObject.Envelope.AddRecipient(ForwardToList.Strings[i]);
517 if ForwardHeaders then begin
518 Headers.Insert(0, 'X-Forwarded-For: ' + Recipient + ' ' + ForwardToList.DelimitedText);
519 Headers.Insert(0, 'X-Forwarded-To: ' + ForwardToList.DelimitedText);
520 end;
522 if ReplyTo <> '' then begin
523 if ReplyTo = '!' then
524 Headers.Insert(0, 'Reply-To: <' + Recipient + '>')
525 else
526 Headers.Insert(0, 'Reply-To: ' + ReplyTo);
527 end;
529 SpoolObject.Open;
530 for i:= 0 to Headers.Count - 1 do
531 SpoolObject.DeliverMessagePart(Headers.Strings[i]);
533 SpoolObject.DeliverMessagePart('');
534 end;
535 end
536 else
537 Result:= false;
538 end;
540 function TForwarderMailbox.DeliverMessagePart(LockID: longint; Message: TStrings): boolean;
541 var i: integer;
542 begin
543 if (FLockID <> 0) and (FLockID = LockID) then begin
544 if PhysicalMailbox <> nil then
545 Result:= PhysicalMailbox.DeliverMessagePart(LockID, Message)
546 else
547 Result:= true;
549 for i:= 0 to Message.Count - 1 do
550 SpoolObject.DeliverMessagePart(Message.Strings[i]);
551 end
552 else
553 Result:= false;
554 end;
556 function TForwarderMailbox.FinishDeliverMessage(LockID: longint): boolean;
557 var action: string;
558 begin
559 if (FLockID <> 0) and (FLockID = LockID) then begin
560 if PhysicalMailbox <> nil then
561 Result:= PhysicalMailbox.FinishDeliverMessage(LockID)
562 else
563 Result:= true;
565 if not Remail then action:= 'forwarding' else action:= 'remailing';
567 if SpoolObject.GetErrorCode = SCE_NO_ERROR then begin
568 Logger.AddLine('Mailbox ' + GetMailboxAddress, 'Message ' + OrigSpoolID + ' has been copied to '
569 + SpoolObject.Name + ' for ' + action + ' to ' + ForwardToList.DelimitedText);
570 SpoolObject.Close;
571 end
572 else begin
573 Logger.AddLine('Mailbox ' + GetMailboxAddress, 'Failed to copy message <' + SpoolObject.OriginalMessageID + '> for '
574 + action + ' to ' + ForwardToList.DelimitedText
575 + '; Spool error code: ' + IntToStr(SpoolObject.GetErrorCode));
576 SpoolObject.Discard;
577 end;
578 SpoolObject.Free;
579 end
580 else
581 Result:= false;
582 end;
584 function TForwarderMailbox.Lock: longint;
585 { Very-very sensitive method that induced lots of cursing.
586 Pay a lot of attention when you do any change to it! }
587 begin
588 CriticalSection.Acquire;
589 if FLockID = 0 then begin
590 if PhysicalMailbox <> nil then begin
591 FLockID:= PhysicalMailbox.Lock;
592 Result:= FLockID;
593 end
594 else begin
595 FLockID:= GetCurrentThreadID;
596 Result:= FLockID;
597 end;
598 end
599 else Result:= 0;
600 CriticalSection.Release;
601 end;
603 function TForwarderMailbox.Release(LockID: longint): boolean;
604 begin
605 CriticalSection.Acquire;
606 if (FLockID <> 0) and (FLockID = LockID) then begin
607 if PhysicalMailbox <> nil then
608 Result:= PhysicalMailbox.Release(LockID)
609 else
610 Result:= true;
611 end
612 else
613 Result:= false;
614 if Result then FLockID:= 0;
615 CriticalSection.Release;
616 end;
619 procedure TMailboxContainer.AddMailbox(const Domain: string; Mailbox: TMailbox);
620 var i, j: integer;
621 begin
622 { IndexOf is supposed to be case-insensitive, but it depends on locales.
623 It's safer to uppercase the string before passing to it.
624 See: }
625 i:= IndexOf(UpperCase(Domain));
626 if i = -1 then begin
627 Add(Domain);
628 i:= Count - 1;
629 SetLength(DomainBoxes, Count);
630 end;
631 j:= Length(DomainBoxes[i]);
632 SetLength(DomainBoxes[i], j + 1);
633 DomainBoxes[i][j]:= Mailbox;
634 end;
636 function TMailboxContainer.GetMailbox(const Name, Domain: string): PMailbox;
637 var i, j: integer;
638 begin
639 i:= IndexOf(UpperCase(Domain));
640 if i <> -1 then begin
641 j:= 0;
642 while (j < Length(DomainBoxes[i])) and (not(DomainBoxes[i][j].IsItYourName(Name))) do Inc(j);
643 if (j < Length(DomainBoxes[i])) then Result:= @DomainBoxes[i][j]
644 else if Domain <> '' then Result:= GetMailbox(Name, '')
645 else Result:= nil;
646 end
647 else if Domain <> '' then Result:= GetMailbox(Name, '')
648 else Result:= nil;
649 end;
652 function TMailboxManager.CheckQuota(const Name, Domain: string; MailSize: longint): boolean;
653 var Mailbox: PMailbox;
654 begin
655 Mailbox:= GetMailbox(Name, Domain);
656 if Mailbox <> nil then
657 Result:= Mailbox^.CheckQuota(MailSize)
658 else
659 Result:= false;
660 end;
662 function TMailboxManager.GetMailbox(const Name, Domain: string): PMailbox;
663 begin
664 Result:= MailboxContainer.GetMailbox(Name, Domain);
665 end;
667 function TMailboxManager.IsLocalAddress(const EMail: string): boolean;
668 begin
669 Result:= MainServerConfig.IsItYourName(EMailHost(EMail));
670 end;
672 function TMailboxManager.Verify(const EMail: string): boolean;
673 begin
674 Result:= GetMailbox(EMailUserName(EMail), EMailHost(EMail)) <> nil;
675 end;
677 function TMailboxManager.VerifyAlias(const EMail: string): boolean;
678 var Mailbox: PMailbox;
679 begin
680 Mailbox:= GetMailbox(EMailUserName(EMail), EMailHost(EMail));
681 if Mailbox <> nil then
682 Result:= Mailbox^.CheckAlias(EMailUserName(EMail))
683 else
684 Result:= false;
685 end;
688 end.