Catch CTRL-C event in user mode
[mgsmtp.git] / Bounce.pas
1 {
2 MegaBrutal's SMTP Server (MgSMTP)
3 Copyright (C) 2010-2012 MegaBrutal
5 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16 along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 }
21 unit Bounce;
23 interface
24 uses SysUtils, Classes, Common;
26 const
28 DSMSG_CONNECTIONFAIL = 'Failed to establish connection with relay server: ';
29 DSMSG_INTERNALFAIL = 'Internal failure: ';
30 {DSMSG_MAILBOXNOTEXISTS = 'Although the recipient addressed a valid local mailbox'#13#10
31 + 'at the time when I queued it, meanwhile it became invalid'#13#10
32 + 'due to changes in the mail server''s configuration, thanks'#13#10
33 + 'to the beloved postmaster. I apologise.';}
34 DSMSG_MAILBOXNOTEXISTS = 'Local mailbox does not exist.';
35 DSMSG_QUOTAEXCEEDED = 'User quota exceeded.';
38 function GenerateBounceMessage(FailedRecipient: TRecipient; Headers: TStrings; ReturnPath: string): TStrings; overload;
39 function GenerateBounceMessage(Envelope: TEnvelope; Headers: TStrings): TStrings; overload;
42 implementation
45 function GetFailureTypeStr(Status: integer): string;
46 begin
47 if (Status and DS_UNEXPECTEDFAIL) <> 0 then
48 Result:= 'an unexpected'
49 else if (Status and DS_CONNECTIONFAIL) <> 0 then
50 Result:= 'a connection'
51 else if (Status and DS_INTERNALFAIL) <> 0 then
52 Result:= 'an internal'
53 else if (Status and DS_PERMANENT) <> 0 then
54 Result:= 'a permanent'
55 else if (Status and DS_DELAYED) <> 0 then
56 Result:= 'a temporary'
57 else
58 Result:= '';
59 end;
61 procedure GenerateHeader(Msg: TStrings; ReturnPath: string);
62 begin
63 with Msg do begin
64 Add('From: Mail Delivery System <MAILER-DAEMON@' + MainServerConfig.Name + '>');
65 Add('To: <' + ReturnPath + '>');
66 Add('Subject: Delivery Status Notification');
67 Add('');
68 Add('This is the mail delivery system at host ' + MainServerConfig.Name + ',');
69 Add('embodied by MgSMTP software version ' + MainServerConfig.VersionStr + '.');
70 Add('');
71 end;
72 end;
74 procedure AddTechnicalDetails(Msg: TStrings; FailedRecipient: TRecipient);
75 begin
76 with Msg do begin
77 if (FailedRecipient.Data and DS_SMTPFAIL) <> 0 then begin
78 Add('The targetted mail server has rejected the message:');
79 Add(IntToStr(FailedRecipient.Data and DS_SMTPREPLYMASK) + #32 + CleanEOLN(FailedRecipient.RMsg));
80 end
81 else begin
82 if Length(FailedRecipient.RMsg) > 0 then
83 Add(CleanEOLN(FailedRecipient.RMsg))
84 else begin
85 Add('No error message. This is an unexpected failure.');
86 Add('Possible that the relay server has unexpectedly');
87 Add('closed the connection.');
88 end;
89 end;
90 end;
91 end;
93 procedure AddHeaders(Msg, Headers: TStrings);
94 begin
95 with Msg do begin
96 Add('');
97 Add('Below you can see the headers of your undelivered message.');
98 Add('Pay attention to the "Subject" and "Message-Id" headers to');
99 Add('get a clue which was it exactly.');
100 Add('------------------------------------------------------------');
101 AddStrings(Headers);
102 end;
103 end;
105 function GenerateBounceMessage(FailedRecipient: TRecipient; Headers: TStrings; ReturnPath: string): TStrings;
106 var Msg: TStrings;
107 begin
108 Msg:= TStringList.Create;
109 with Msg do begin
110 GenerateHeader(Msg, ReturnPath);
111 Add('I am sorry to inform you that I encountered a problem');
112 Add('while I was trying to deliver your message to the following');
113 Add('recipient: <' + FailedRecipient.Address + '>.');
114 Add('This is ' + GetFailureTypeStr(FailedRecipient.Data) + ' failure.');
115 Add('');
116 Add('Technical details:');
117 AddTechnicalDetails(Msg, FailedRecipient);
118 if (FailedRecipient.Data and DS_DELAYED) <> 0 then begin
119 Add('');
120 Add('It seems it''s a temporary failure, so I''ll keep on trying.');
121 end
122 else if (FailedRecipient.Data and DS_PERMANENT) <> 0 then begin
123 Add('');
124 Add('It''s a permanent failure, I''ve given up trying.');
125 end;
126 AddHeaders(Msg, Headers);
127 end;
128 Result:= Msg;
129 end;
131 function GenerateBounceMessage(Envelope: TEnvelope; Headers: TStrings): TStrings;
132 var Msg: TStrings; FailedRecipient: TRecipient; i: integer;
133 begin
134 Msg:= TStringList.Create;
135 with Msg do begin
136 GenerateHeader(Msg, Envelope.ReturnPath);
137 Add('I am sorry to inform you that I encountered several');
138 Add('problems while I was trying to deliver your message to');
139 Add('multiple recipients.');
140 Add('');
141 Add('Details follow:');
142 Add('');
143 for i:= 0 to Envelope.GetNumberOfRecipients - 1 do begin
144 Add('');
145 FailedRecipient:= Envelope.GetRecipient(i);
146 Add('Recipient <' + FailedRecipient.Address + '>:');
147 AddTechnicalDetails(Msg, FailedRecipient);
148 Add('');
149 Add('This is ' + GetFailureTypeStr(FailedRecipient.Data) + ' failure.');
150 if (FailedRecipient.Data and DS_DELAYED) <> 0 then
151 Add('Delivery will be retried by certain intervals.')
152 else if (FailedRecipient.Data and DS_PERMANENT) <> 0 then
153 Add('Delivery to this recipient has failed permanently.');
154 Add('');
155 end;
156 AddHeaders(Msg, Headers);
157 end;
158 Result:= Msg;
159 end;
162 end.