(Network) Call fpSocket with proper address family
[mgsmtp.git] / Listener.pas
1 {
2 MegaBrutal's SMTP Server (MgSMTP)
3 Copyright (C) 2010-2018 MegaBrutal
5 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16 along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 }
19 {
20 Unit: Listener
21 This unit is responsible for listening for incoming connections, and
22 serve them, communicating by the SMTP protocol.
24 It always places incoming e-mails in the spool, and lets it to process
25 them later. However, this unit still links the Mailbox and Relay unit to
26 verify addresses. The Policies unit also plays an important role, it
27 determines what rights does the client have, and it authenticates users.
28 }
32 unit Listener;
34 interface
35 uses SysUtils, Classes, Base64, Network, NetRFC, RFCSMTP,
36 Common, Log, Policies, Spool, Mailbox, Relay;
38 type
40 TMgSMTPListener = class(TTCPListener)
41 constructor Create(const Address: string; Port, Family: word);
42 protected
43 procedure HandleClient(Connection: TTCPConnection); override;
44 procedure ReceiveEMailData(TCP: TTCPRFCConnection; Response: TRFCReply; SpoolObject: TSpoolObjectCreator);
45 end;
48 procedure StartListeners;
49 procedure StopListeners;
52 implementation
54 var
56 MgSMTPListeners: array of TMgSMTPListener;
59 procedure StartListeners;
60 var i, j: integer; address, port: string; nport: word;
61 begin
62 SetLength(MgSMTPListeners, MainServerConfig.ListenAddresses.Count + MainServerConfig.ListenAddresses6.Count);
63 for i:= 0 to MainServerConfig.ListenAddresses.Count - 1 do begin
64 SplitParameters(MainServerConfig.ListenAddresses.Strings[i], address, port, ':');
65 MgSMTPListeners[i]:= TMgSMTPListener.Create(address, StrToIntDef(port, STANDARD_SMTP_PORT), AF_INET);
66 MgSMTPListeners[i].StartListen;
67 end;
68 j:= MainServerConfig.ListenAddresses.Count;
69 for i:= 0 to MainServerConfig.ListenAddresses6.Count - 1 do begin
70 ParseIPv6Address(MainServerConfig.ListenAddresses6.Strings[i], address, nport);
71 MgSMTPListeners[j+i]:= TMgSMTPListener.Create(address, nport, AF_INET6);
72 MgSMTPListeners[j+i].StartListen;
73 end;
74 end;
76 procedure StopListeners;
77 var i: integer;
78 begin
79 for i:= 0 to Length(MgSMTPListeners) - 1 do begin
80 MgSMTPListeners[i].StopListen;
81 MgSMTPListeners[i].Free;
82 end;
83 SetLength(MgSMTPListeners, 0);
84 end;
87 function Base64Decode(Source: string): string;
88 var StringStream: TStringStream; Base64DecodingStream: TBase64DecodingStream;
89 c: char;
90 begin
91 StringStream:= TStringStream.Create(Source);
92 Base64DecodingStream:= TBase64DecodingStream.Create(StringStream);
93 Result:= '';
94 while not Base64DecodingStream.EOF do begin
95 Base64DecodingStream.Read(c, 1);
96 Result:= Result + c;
97 end;
98 Base64DecodingStream.Destroy;
99 StringStream.Destroy;
100 end;
102 procedure SetEMailProperties(Parameters: string; SpoolObject: TSpoolObject);
103 var CPrm, Rem, Key, Value: string;
104 begin
105 { Cut down e-mail address. }
106 SplitParameters(Parameters, CPrm, Rem);
107 repeat
108 SplitParameters(Rem, CPrm, Rem);
109 SplitParameters(CPrm, Key, Value, '=');
110 Key:= UpperCase(Key);
111 if Key = 'SIZE' then SpoolObject.EMailProperties.Size:= StrToIntDef(Value, 0)
112 else if Key = 'BODY' then begin
113 if UpperCase(Value) = '8BITMIME' then
114 SpoolObject.EMailProperties.SetFlag(EF_8BITMIME);
115 end;
116 until (Rem = '');
117 end;
119 function HandleRewrite(OriginalAddress: string; Mailbox: PMailbox; SpoolObject: TSpoolObjectCreator): string;
120 var i: integer;
121 begin
122 for i:= 0 to Mailbox^.RewriteCount - 1 do
123 SpoolObject.Envelope.AddRecipient(Mailbox^.GetRewriteToEntry(i));
124 if Mailbox^.RewritePassThru then
125 SpoolObject.Envelope.AddRecipient(OriginalAddress);
126 if Mailbox^.RewriteCount > 0 then begin
127 if Mailbox^.RewritePassThru then
128 Result:= 'Rewrite: ' + OriginalAddress + ' -> ' + OriginalAddress + ',' + Mailbox^.GetRewriteToListStr
129 else
130 Result:= 'Rewrite: ' + OriginalAddress + ' -> ' + Mailbox^.GetRewriteToListStr;
131 end
132 else
133 Result:= '';
134 end;
137 constructor TMgSMTPListener.Create(const Address: string; Port, Family: word);
138 begin
139 { Request connection objects with support for RFC-style commands & responses. }
140 inherited Create(Address, Port, Family, NET_TCP_RFCSUPPORT);
141 Logger.AddLine('Server', 'Listening on address: ' + Address + ':' + IntToStr(Port));
142 end;
145 procedure TMgSMTPListener.HandleClient(Connection: TTCPConnection);
146 { This is the procedure that actually handles the clients. It receives
147 an object that manages the established connection in the parameter.
148 TTCPConnection is defined in the Network unit. }
149 var
150 TCP: TTCPRFCConnection;
151 Originator: TIPNamePair;
152 Response: TRFCReply;
153 PolicyObject: TPolicyObject;
154 SpoolObject: TSpoolObjectCreator;
155 Cmd: shortstring; Prm, OPrm: string;
156 Auth_Username, Auth_Password: string; FailedAuthAttempts: integer;
157 HELOSent, SpoolAllocated, ReadSucceeded, UnexpectedFail: boolean;
158 VStr: string; LogAgent: string;
159 TempStr: string;
161 procedure SendAndLogResponse(NumericCode: word; ReplyText: shortstring; ExpectFail: boolean = false);
162 begin
163 if (Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Response: ' + IntToStr(NumericCode) + ' ' + ReplyText)) or ExpectFail then begin
164 Response.SetReply(NumericCode, ReplyText);
165 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
166 end
167 else begin
168 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_SERVICE_NA, 'Internal error: could not write log', true);
169 Logger.AddStdLine(LogAgent, 'Log write failure. Terminating active connection.');
170 UnexpectedFail:= true;
171 end;
172 end;
174 begin
175 TCP:= Connection as TTCPRFCConnection;
177 TCP.ReverseDNSLookup;
178 Originator:= TCP.HostIP.Copy;
179 Response:= TRFCReply.Create;
180 {PolicyObject:= PolicyManager.MakePolicyObject(Originator.Copy);}
181 PolicyObject:= PolicyManager.MakePolicyObject(Originator);
182 SpoolObject:= nil;
183 HELOSent:= false; SpoolAllocated:= false; UnexpectedFail:= false;
184 FailedAuthAttempts:= 0;
186 { Prepare for logging. To make this connection distinguishable, we add
187 the actual thread's ID to each log entry. }
188 LogAgent:= 'Server ' + IntToStr(GetCurrentThreadId);
189 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Client connected: ' + Originator.Name + ' (' + Originator.IP + ')');
190 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Assigned rights (for host): ' + PolicyObject.RightsStr);
192 { Verify FCrDNS if necessary. Note, maybe it would have been simpler to
193 check it around the TCP.ReverseDNSLookup call, and then only pass the
194 trusted result to PolicyManager.MakePolicyObject. The main idea why I
195 didn't implement it that way is that I'd like to see if the granted
196 rights actually change after the FCrDNS check. }
197 if PolicyManager.FCrDNSPolicy <> FCRDNS_NAIVE then begin
198 if not TCP.VerifyFCrDNS then begin
199 PolicyManager.RevalidatePolicyObject(PolicyObject, Originator, false, PolicyManager.FCrDNSPolicy = FCRDNS_MEAN);
200 if PolicyManager.FCrDNSPolicy = FCRDNS_STRICT then
201 PolicyObject.Deny(RIGHT_CONNECT);
202 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'WARNING: "' + Originator.Name + '" is not a forward-confirmed reverse hostname! Rights will be reassigned by IP only!');
203 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Assigned rights (for host): ' + PolicyObject.RightsStr);
204 end;
205 end;
207 if PolicyObject.HasRight(RIGHT_CONNECT) then begin
208 if not PolicyManager.HideVersion then VStr:= ' ' + MainServerConfig.VersionStr else VStr:= '';
209 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_READY, MainServerConfig.Name + ' SMTP server ready (MgSMTP' + VStr + ')');
210 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
212 repeat
213 ReadSucceeded:= TCP.ReadCommand(Cmd, Prm);
215 { Check if command only contains printable ASCII characters, not some binary garbage. }
216 if ReadSucceeded then begin
217 if IsPrintableString(Cmd) and IsPrintableString(Prm) then begin
218 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Command: ' + Cmd + ' ' + Prm);
219 Cmd:= UpperCase(Cmd);
220 end
221 else begin
222 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_SERVICE_NA, 'Non-printable characters are not allowed in SMTP commands! Stop abusing my service!');
223 UnexpectedFail:= true;
224 end;
225 end;
227 if (Length(Cmd) = 0) or (not ReadSucceeded) or UnexpectedFail then { Nothing. }
229 else if (Cmd = 'GET') or (Cmd = 'HEAD') or (Cmd = 'POST') then begin
230 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_SERVICE_NA, 'Please learn to speak SMTP for I won''t speak HTTP. Stop abusing my service!');
231 UnexpectedFail:= true;
232 end
234 else if (Cmd = SMTP_C_HELO) or (Cmd = SMTP_C_EHLO) then begin
235 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_OK, MainServerConfig.Name);
236 if Cmd = SMTP_C_EHLO then begin
237 Response.Add('SIZE ' + IntToStr(PolicyObject.Databytes));
238 {Response.Add('VRFY');}
239 Response.Add('PIPELINING');
240 Response.Add('8BITMIME');
241 if PolicyManager.Users then begin
242 Response.Add('AUTH LOGIN');
243 Response.Add('AUTH=LOGIN');
244 end;
245 end;
246 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
247 Originator.Free;
248 Originator:= TIPNamePair.Create(Prm, TCP.HostIP.IP);
249 HELOSent:= true;
250 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Client identified: ' + Originator.Name + ' (' + Originator.IP + ')');
251 end
253 else if Cmd = SMTP_C_AUTH then begin
254 if PolicyManager.Users then begin
255 { Only "AUTH LOGIN" is supported. }
256 SplitParameters(Prm, Prm, OPrm);
257 if Prm = 'LOGIN' then begin
258 if OPrm = '' then begin
259 { Base64-encoded "Username:" }
260 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_AUTH_MESSAGE, 'VXNlcm5hbWU6');
261 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
262 TCP.ReadLn(Auth_Username);
263 Auth_Username:= Base64Decode(Auth_Username);
264 end
265 else
266 Auth_Username:= Base64Decode(OPrm);
267 { Base64-encoded "Password:" }
268 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_AUTH_MESSAGE, 'UGFzc3dvcmQ6');
269 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
270 TCP.ReadLn(Auth_Password);
271 { Verify }
272 if PolicyManager.AuthenticateUser(Auth_Username, Base64Decode(Auth_Password), PolicyObject) then begin
273 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_AUTH_SUCCESSFUL, 'Authentication successful');
274 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Successfully authenticated as user: ' + Auth_Username);
275 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Assigned rights (for user): ' + PolicyObject.RightsStr);
276 end
277 else begin
278 Inc(FailedAuthAttempts);
279 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_AUTH_FAILED, 'Authentication failed');
280 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'AUTHENTICATION FAILED as user: ' + Auth_Username);
281 end;
282 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
283 if (PolicyManager.MaxAuthAttempts <> 0) and (PolicyManager.MaxAuthAttempts <= FailedAuthAttempts) then begin
284 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_SERVICE_NA, 'Too many unsuccessful authentication attempts! Stop abusing my service!');
285 UnexpectedFail:= true;
287 end;
288 end
289 else
290 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_PRM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Authentication type not implemented');
291 end
292 else
293 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_CMD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'User authentication is not enabled on this server.');
294 end
296 else if Cmd = SMTP_C_RSET then begin
297 { We must be careful to always free the spool object, if we
298 have allocated one, but we don't need it anymore. }
299 if SpoolAllocated then begin
300 if SpoolObject.Opened then SpoolObject.Discard;
301 SpoolObject.Free;
302 SpoolAllocated:= false;
303 end;
304 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_OK, 'OK');
305 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
306 end
308 else if Cmd = SMTP_C_NOOP then begin
309 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_OK, 'Not like I was doing anything...');
310 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
311 end
313 else if Cmd = SMTP_C_QUIT then begin
314 { No extra action is required here to close the connection.
315 The repeat-until loop will quit anyway, and the connection
316 will be closed afterwards. }
317 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_CLOSE, 'Goodbye. :)');
318 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
319 end
321 else if (HELOSent) or (not PolicyManager.ReqHELO) then begin
323 { Some commands are only accepted after the client has greeted
324 us with a HELO or EHLO command. }
326 if Cmd = SMTP_C_MAIL then begin
327 { A new spool object is allocated with the mail command. }
328 if not SpoolAllocated then begin
329 OPrm:= Prm;
330 Prm:= CleanEMailAddress(Prm);
331 if (Prm = '') or (IsValidEMailAddress(Prm)) then begin
332 SpoolObject:= SpoolManager.CreateSpoolObject(Originator.Copy);
333 SpoolObject.Envelope.ReturnPath:= Prm;
334 SpoolObject.Databytes:= PolicyObject.Databytes;
335 SetEMailProperties(OPrm, SpoolObject);
336 if (SpoolObject.EMailProperties.Size <= SpoolObject.Databytes) then begin
337 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_OK, 'OK');
338 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
339 SpoolAllocated:= true;
340 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Return-Path accepted: <' + Prm + '>');
341 end
342 else begin
343 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_STOR_EXCEEDED, 'Declared message size exceeds the configured databytes limit');
344 SpoolObject.Free;
345 end;
346 end
347 else
348 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_MB_SYNTAX_ERROR, '<' + Prm + '>: Sender address rejected: Syntax error');
349 end
350 else
351 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_BAD_SEQUENCE, 'Return-Path is already specified, use RSET to discard it');
352 end
354 else if Cmd = SMTP_C_RCPT then begin
355 if SpoolAllocated then begin
356 Prm:= CleanEMailAddress(Prm);
358 { According to the RFC, we must accept "POSTMASTER" address without a hostname. }
359 if UpperCase(Prm) = 'POSTMASTER' then Prm:= Prm + '@' + MainServerConfig.Name;
360 if IsValidEMailAddress(Prm) then begin
362 if MailboxManager.IsLocalAddress(Prm) then begin
364 { Many conditions need to be checked before accepting a local e-mail:
365 - Does this server accept local e-mails by configuration?
366 - Does the client have the right to STORE a local e-mail?
367 - Does the addressed mailbox exist?
368 - Does the mailbox have free quota?
369 If the answer is "no" for any of these questions, reject the address
370 with a proper error response. }
372 if MainServerConfig.Mailbox then begin
373 if PolicyObject.HasRight(RIGHT_STORE) then begin
374 if MailboxManager.Verify(Prm) then begin
375 if MailboxManager.VerifyAlias(Prm) then begin
376 if ((not SpoolManager.AllowExceedQuota) and (MailboxManager.CheckQuota(EMailUserName(Prm), EMailHost(Prm), SpoolObject.EMailProperties.Size)))
377 or ((SpoolManager.AllowExceedQuota) and (MailboxManager.CheckQuota(EMailUserName(Prm), EMailHost(Prm), 0))) then begin
379 if MailboxManager.Rewrite then begin
380 TempStr:= HandleRewrite(Prm, MailboxManager.GetMailbox(EMailUserName(Prm), EMailHost(Prm)), SpoolObject);
381 if Length(TempStr) > 0 then
382 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, TempStr);
383 end
384 else
385 SpoolObject.Envelope.AddRecipient(Prm);
387 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_OK, 'OK');
388 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
389 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Local recipient accepted: <' + Prm + '>');
390 end
391 else
392 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_STOR_EXCEEDED, '<' + Prm + '>: User quota exceeded');
393 end
394 else
395 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_MAILBOX_NA, '<' + Prm + '>: Mailbox alias rejected');
396 end
397 else
398 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_MAILBOX_NA, '<' + Prm + '>: No mailbox here by that name');
399 end
400 else
401 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_MAILBOX_NA, '<' + Prm + '>: Store access denied');
402 end
403 else
404 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_MAILBOX_NA, '<' + Prm + '>: This server doesn''t store local messages');
405 end
407 else if MainServerConfig.Relay then begin
409 { Things to check for relay addresses:
410 - Does the server ever accept relay addresses by configuration?
411 - Does the client has the right to RELAY messages or in the case
412 if the relay address is on the RelayTo list, does the client
413 has the STORE right?
414 }
416 if (PolicyObject.HasRight(RIGHT_RELAY))
417 or (PolicyObject.HasRight(RIGHT_STORE) and RelayManager.IsOnRelayToList(EMailHost(Prm))) then begin
418 if not RelayManager.IsOnNoRelayToList(EMailHost(Prm)) then begin
419 SpoolObject.Envelope.AddRecipient(Prm);
420 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_OK, 'OK');
421 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
422 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Relay recipient accepted: <' + Prm + '>');
423 end
424 else
425 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_TRANS_FAILED, '<' + Prm + '>: Relaying towards this domain is not permitted');
426 end
427 else
428 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_TRANS_FAILED, '<' + Prm + '>: Relay access denied, or maybe I just don''t like you');
429 end
430 else
431 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_TRANS_FAILED, '<' + Prm + '>: Relaying has been disabled by configuration');
432 end
433 else
434 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_MB_SYNTAX_ERROR, '<' + Prm + '>: Recipient address rejected: Syntax error');
435 end
436 else
437 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_BAD_SEQUENCE, 'You must initiate e-mail transactions with MAIL command');
438 end
440 else if Cmd = SMTP_C_DATA then begin
441 if SpoolAllocated then begin
442 if SpoolObject.Envelope.IsComplete then begin
443 ReceiveEMailData(TCP, Response, SpoolObject);
444 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Response: ' + IntToStr(Response.NumericCode) + ' ' + Response.GetLine(0));
445 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
446 Logger.AddLine('Object ' + SpoolObject.Name, 'Message-ID: <' + SpoolObject.OriginalMessageID + '>');
447 SpoolObject.Free;
448 SpoolAllocated:= false;
449 end
450 else
451 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_TRANS_FAILED, 'No valid recipients');
452 end
453 else
454 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_BAD_SEQUENCE, 'You must initiate e-mail transactions with MAIL command');
455 end
457 else if Cmd = SMTP_C_VRFY then
458 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_CANNOTVERIFY, 'Honestly, I don''t like to verify addresses')
460 else
461 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_CMD_SYNTAX_ERROR, 'Command not recognized (' + Cmd + ')');
462 end
464 else
465 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_BAD_SEQUENCE, 'It would be more polite to say HELO first');
467 until (Cmd = SMTP_C_QUIT) or (not ReadSucceeded) or (UnexpectedFail);
469 if not ReadSucceeded then
470 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_SERVICE_NA, 'Socket read error');
471 end
473 else begin
475 { If the client doesn't have the right to CONNECT here, disconnect it
476 with a rather unfriendly message. }
478 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_TRANS_FAILED, 'Host is not permitted by server configuration');
479 SendAndLogResponse(SMTP_R_SERVICE_NA, 'You are not welcome here, I shall disconnect you');
480 {repeat
481 TCP.ReadCommand(Cmd, Prm);
482 if Cmd <> SMTP_C_QUIT then
483 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_BAD_SEQUENCE, 'You are not welcome here, I suggest you to QUIT')
484 else
485 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_CLOSE, 'Closing connection');
486 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
487 until Cmd = SMTP_C_QUIT;}
488 end;
490 { Free the spool object (if we have any), close the connection,
491 and free other allocated resources, log disconnection. }
493 if SpoolAllocated then begin
494 if SpoolObject.Opened then SpoolObject.Discard;
495 SpoolObject.Free;
496 end;
497 PolicyObject.Free;
498 Response.Free;
499 Originator.Free;
500 TCP.Free;
501 Logger.AddLine(LogAgent, 'Client disconnected.');
502 end;
504 procedure TMgSMTPListener.ReceiveEMailData(TCP: TTCPRFCConnection; Response: TRFCReply; SpoolObject: TSpoolObjectCreator);
505 { Receive e-mail lines until a line with a single dot (".") arrives.
506 Check databytes limit!
507 This procedure should never call TCP.SendResponse - the set up response
508 will be sent by the caller! }
509 var Line: string; Done, ReadOK: boolean;
510 begin
511 if SpoolObject.Open then begin
512 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_START_MAIL_INPUT, 'Start mail input; end with "<CRLF>.<CRLF>" sequence');
513 TCP.SendResponse(Response);
514 Done:= false;
515 repeat
516 ReadOK:= TCP.ReadLn(Line);
517 if Line <> '.' then begin
518 { If the line starts with a dot, remove it to comply with RFC. }
519 if (Length(Line) > 1) and (Line[1] = '.') then Delete(Line, 1, 1);
520 SpoolObject.DeliverMessagePart(Line);
521 end
522 else
523 Done:= true;
524 until Done or (not ReadOK);
525 if ReadOK then begin
526 if SpoolObject.GetErrorCode <> SCE_NO_ERROR then begin
528 case SpoolObject.GetErrorCode of
531 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_STOR_EXCEEDED, 'Message size exceeds the configured databytes limit');
534 begin
535 Response.Clear;
536 Response.SetNumericCode(SMTP_R_TRANS_FAILED);
537 Response.Add('Too many "Received" headers in mail data.');
538 Response.Add('It''s likely that your message got trapped in a mail relay loop. In most');
539 Response.Add('cases it is caused by faulty mail server configuration. Please notify the');
540 Response.Add('administrator by forwarding this failure notice to the following address:');
541 Response.Add('<postmaster@' + MainServerConfig.Name + '>!');
542 end;
545 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_ABORTED, 'Could not write mail data. Try again later.');
547 else
548 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_ABORTED, 'Unknown error. Could not queue mail data.');
550 end;
552 SpoolObject.Discard;
554 end
555 else begin
556 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_OK, 'Queued as ' + SpoolObject.Name);
557 SpoolObject.Close;
558 end;
559 end
560 else begin
561 Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_SERVICE_NA, 'Socket read error in DATA phase (timeout?)');
562 SpoolObject.Discard;
563 end;
564 end
565 else Response.SetReply(SMTP_R_ABORTED, 'Internal error: could not open spool object');
566 end;
569 end.