Bind to user-specified address (BindAddress6)
[mgsmtp.git] / Relay.pas
1 {
2 MegaBrutal's SMTP Server (MgSMTP)
3 Copyright (C) 2010-2018 MegaBrutal
5 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16 along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 }
19 {
20 Unit: Relay
21 This unit implements the necessary objects to relay messages towards
22 remote servers. It handles the re-routing of messages, when it's
23 configured.
24 }
28 unit Relay;
30 interface
31 uses SysUtils, Classes, INIFiles, Base64, CompareWild, Common, Network,
34 type
36 TMailRoute = record
37 Mask: string;
38 Target: integer;
39 end;
41 TSMTPExtensions = record
42 Pipelining, Size, EbitMIME: boolean;
43 end;
45 { A TRoutingTarget holds the data for a single relay host.
46 The administrator may give a symbolic name to some relay hosts that
47 identifies a distinct section in the configuration INI file, where
48 all necessary data can be found to contact the particular relay host. }
50 TRoutingTarget = class
51 constructor Create(Name, TargetHost: string; Port: integer; Auth: boolean; Username, Password: string);
52 protected
53 FName, FTargetHost, FUsername, FPassword: string;
54 FPort: integer;
55 FAuth: boolean;
56 public
57 property Name: string read FName;
58 property Host: string read FTargetHost;
59 property Port: integer read FPort;
60 property Auth: boolean read FAuth;
61 property Username: string read FUsername;
62 property Password: string read FPassword;
63 function Copy: TRoutingTarget;
64 end;
66 { TRoutingTable manages re-routing. It can be asked where to relay e-mails
67 for a specific host. It holds multiple instances of TRoutingTarget. }
69 TRoutingTable = class
70 constructor Create;
71 destructor Destroy; override;
72 protected
73 Targets: array of TRoutingTarget;
74 Routes: array of TMailRoute;
75 function FindOrLoadTarget(TargetName, TargetHost: string; Port: integer; Auth: boolean; Username, Password: string): integer;
76 public
77 procedure AddRoute(Mask: string; TargetName, TargetHost: string; Port: integer; Auth: boolean; Username, Password: string);
78 function ReRoute(Host: string): string;
79 function GetRouteInfo(Host: string): TRoutingTarget;
80 end;
82 { TRelayer does the actual relaying to a host. It connects the target server
83 and passes the message to it by SMTP protocol. }
85 TRelayer = class
86 constructor Create(RoutingTable: TRoutingTable; Envelope: TEnvelope; EMailProperties: TEMailProperties);
87 destructor Destroy; override;
88 protected
89 FEnvelope: TEnvelope;
90 FEMailProperties: TEMailProperties;
91 FTransactionComplete: boolean;
92 FRoutingTarget: TRoutingTarget;
93 RoutingTable: TRoutingTable;
94 TCP: TTCPRFCConnection;
95 Response: TRFCReply;
96 SMTPExtensions: TSMTPExtensions;
97 procedure AdministerMassFailure(var Result: boolean);
98 function GetRelayServerName: string;
99 function GetRelayServerPort: integer;
100 public
101 property Envelope: TEnvelope read FEnvelope;
102 property EMailProperties: TEMailProperties read FEMailProperties;
103 property IsTransactionComplete: boolean read FTransactionComplete;
104 property RelayServerName: string read GetRelayServerName;
105 property RelayServerPort: integer read GetRelayServerPort;
106 function OpenConnection: boolean;
107 function Greet: boolean;
108 function SendEnvelope: boolean;
109 function PrepareSendMessage: boolean;
110 function DeliverMessagePart(Chunk: TStrings): boolean;
111 procedure FinishDeliverMessage;
112 procedure CloseConnection;
113 end;
115 { TRelayManager is the main manager object of the entire relay unit.
116 It loads all the configuration, sets up the corresponding objects,
117 and it creates configured TRelayer-s. }
119 TRelayManager = class
120 constructor Create(Config: TINIFile);
121 destructor Destroy; override;
122 protected
123 RelayToList, NoRelayToList: TStrings;
124 RoutingTable: TRoutingTable;
125 public
126 function CreateRelayer(Envelope: TEnvelope; EMailProperties: TEMailProperties): TRelayer;
127 function IsOnRelayToList(HostName: string): boolean;
128 function IsOnNoRelayToList(HostName: string): boolean;
129 function OrganizeEnvelopes(Envelopes: TEnvelopeArray): TEnvelopeArray;
130 end;
133 var
135 RelayManager: TRelayManager;
139 implementation
142 constructor TRoutingTarget.Create(Name, TargetHost: string; Port: Integer; Auth: boolean; Username, Password: string);
143 begin
144 inherited Create;
145 FName:= Name;
146 if TargetHost = '' then FTargetHost:= Name else FTargetHost:= TargetHost;
147 FPort:= Port;
148 FAuth:= Auth;
149 FUsername:= Username;
150 FPassword:= Password;
151 end;
153 constructor TRoutingTable.Create;
154 begin
155 inherited Create;
156 SetLength(Targets, 0);
157 SetLength(Routes, 0);
158 end;
160 destructor TRoutingTable.Destroy;
161 var i: integer;
162 begin
163 for i:= 0 to Length(Targets) - 1 do
164 Targets[i].Free;
165 SetLength(Routes, 0);
166 SetLength(Targets, 0);
167 inherited Destroy;
168 end;
170 constructor TRelayer.Create(RoutingTable: TRoutingTable; Envelope: TEnvelope; EMailProperties: TEMailProperties);
171 begin
172 inherited Create;
173 Self.RoutingTable:= RoutingTable;
174 FEnvelope:= Envelope;
175 FEMailProperties:= EMailProperties;
176 FTransactionComplete:= false;
177 FRoutingTarget:= RoutingTable.GetRouteInfo(Envelope.RelayHost);
178 Response:= TRFCReply.Create;
179 FillChar(SMTPExtensions, SizeOf(TSMTPExtensions), #0);
180 end;
182 destructor TRelayer.Destroy;
183 begin
184 FRoutingTarget.Free;
185 Response.Free;
186 inherited Destroy;
187 end;
189 constructor TRelayManager.Create(Config: TINIFile);
190 var i: integer; RouteMasks: TStringList; RouteName: string;
191 begin
192 inherited Create;
194 RelayToList:= TStringList.Create;
195 RelayToList.Delimiter:= ',';
196 RelayToList.DelimitedText:= Config.ReadString('Relay', 'RelayTo', '');
198 NoRelayToList:= TStringList.Create;
199 NoRelayToList.Delimiter:= ',';
200 NoRelayToList.DelimitedText:= Config.ReadString('Relay', 'NoRelayTo', '');
202 RoutingTable:= TRoutingTable.Create;
203 RouteMasks:= TStringList.Create;
204 Config.ReadSection('Relay\Routes', RouteMasks);
205 for i:= 0 to RouteMasks.Count - 1 do begin
206 RouteName:= Config.ReadString('Relay\Routes', RouteMasks.Strings[i], '!');
207 RoutingTable.AddRoute(RouteMasks.Strings[i],
208 RouteName,
209 Config.ReadString('Relay\Routes\' + RouteName, 'Host', ''),
210 Config.ReadInteger('Relay\Routes\' + RouteName, 'Port', STANDARD_SMTP_PORT),
211 Config.ReadBool('Relay\Routes\' + RouteName, 'Auth', false),
212 Config.ReadString('Relay\Routes\' + RouteName, 'Username', ''),
213 Config.ReadString('Relay\Routes\' + RouteName, 'Password', '')
214 );
215 end;
216 RouteMasks.Free;
217 end;
219 destructor TRelayManager.Destroy;
220 begin
221 RelayToList.Free;
222 RoutingTable.Free;
223 inherited Destroy;
224 end;
227 function TRoutingTarget.Copy: TRoutingTarget;
228 begin
229 Result:= TRoutingTarget.Create(Name, Host, Port, Auth, Username, Password);
230 end;
232 procedure TRoutingTable.AddRoute(Mask: string; TargetName, TargetHost: string; Port: integer; Auth: boolean; Username, Password: string);
233 { It should be only called at start-up. It creates the necessary TRountingTarget
234 objects. It doesn't create redundant targets. If more entries are there to
235 relay to a specific server, then only one TRoutingTarget will be created
236 for that relay host. It is ensured by FindOrLoadTarget. }
237 var i: integer;
238 begin
239 i:= Length(Routes);
240 SetLength(Routes, i + 1);
241 Routes[i].Mask:= Mask;
242 Routes[i].Target:= FindOrLoadTarget(TargetName, TargetHost, Port, Auth, Username, Password);
243 end;
245 function TRoutingTable.FindOrLoadTarget(TargetName, TargetHost: string; Port: integer; Auth: boolean; Username, Password: string): integer;
246 { Creates a new TRoutingTarget, but only if no other TRoutingTarget exists
247 with the same name. If it does find an already-existing TRoutingTarget
248 with the given name, it returns that instance. }
249 var i, x: integer; Found: boolean;
250 begin
251 i:= 0; Found:= false;
252 while (i < Length(Targets)) and (not Found) do begin
253 if Targets[i].Name = TargetName then begin
254 Found:= true;
255 x:= i;
256 end;
257 Inc(i);
258 end;
259 if not Found then begin
260 x:= Length(Targets);
261 SetLength(Targets, x + 1);
262 Targets[x]:= TRoutingTarget.Create(TargetName, TargetHost, Port, Auth, Username, Password);
263 end;
264 Result:= x;
265 end;
267 function TRoutingTable.ReRoute(Host: string): string;
268 { It returns the NAME of the relay host that's supposed to relay messages
269 towards the specified host. The mentioned NAME can be a hostname or
270 a symbolic name given in the configuration. If this function returns "!",
271 that means that the message should be relayed to the named host itself. }
272 var i: integer; Found: boolean;
273 begin
274 i:= 0; Found:= false;
275 while (i < Length(Routes)) and (not Found) do begin
276 if WildComp(UpperCase(Routes[i].Mask), UpperCase(Host)) then begin
277 Result:= Targets[Routes[i].Target].Name;
278 Found:= true;
279 end;
280 Inc(i);
281 end;
282 if not Found then Result:= Host;
283 end;
285 function TRoutingTable.GetRouteInfo(Host: string): TRoutingTarget;
286 { It returns the corresponding TRoutingTarget for a given name.
287 That name may be a symbolic name, given in the configuration,
288 or a valid hostname.
289 Note, this function returns a COPY of the TRoutingTarget.
290 The caller is responsible for freeing it.
291 If there is no TRoutingTarget with the given name, the function
292 creates a new TRoutingTarget and puts the given hostname into it. }
293 var i: integer; Found: boolean;
294 begin
295 i:= 0; Found:= false;
296 while (i < Length(Targets)) and (not Found) do begin
297 if Targets[i].Name = Host then begin
298 Result:= Targets[i].Copy;
299 Found:= true;
300 end;
301 Inc(i);
302 end;
303 if not Found then Result:= TRoutingTarget.Create(Host, Host, STANDARD_SMTP_PORT, false, '', '');
304 end;
307 procedure TRelayer.AdministerMassFailure(var Result: boolean);
308 begin
309 Envelope.SetAllRecipientData(Response.GetNumericCode, Response.ReplyText.Text);
310 Result:= false;
311 end;
313 function TRelayer.GetRelayServerName: string;
314 begin
315 Result:= FRoutingTarget.Host;
316 end;
318 function TRelayer.GetRelayServerPort: integer;
319 begin
320 Result:= FRoutingTarget.Port;
321 end;
323 function TRelayer.OpenConnection: boolean;
324 { Initiates connection to the relay site. It queries the MX records for the
325 relay site's domain, and tries to connect the resulting hosts in the
326 order of MX priorities. If there are no MX records for the domain,
327 the domain's A record will be connected.
328 The function returns TRUE, if it successfully established connection
329 to any of the MX hostnames. }
330 var MXList: TStrings; i: integer;
331 begin
332 MXList:= GetCorrectMXRecordList(RelayServerName);
333 if MXList.Count >= 1 then begin
334 TCP:= TTCPRFCConnection.Create;
335 TCP.SetBindAddress(AF_INET, MainServerConfig.BindAddress);
336 TCP.SetBindAddress(AF_INET6, MainServerConfig.BindAddress6);
337 TCP.Connect(MXList.Strings[0], RelayServerPort);
339 i:= 1;
340 while (not TCP.Connected) and (i < MXList.Count) do begin
341 TCP.Connect(MXList.Strings[i], RelayServerPort);
342 Inc(i);
343 end;
344 Result:= TCP.Connected;
345 end
346 else Result:= false;
347 MXList.Free;
348 FTransactionComplete:= false;
349 end;
351 function TRelayer.Greet: boolean;
352 { This function reads and checks the relay server's greeting.
353 Then identifies this server with an EHLO.
354 Then, if necessary, authenticates at the connected relay server.
355 The function returns true, if the authentication and the EHLO command were
356 successful. }
357 var
358 i: integer;
359 Authenticated: boolean;
360 StringStream: TStringStream;
361 Base64EncodingStream: TBase64EncodingStream;
362 Line: string;
364 begin
365 Response.Clear;
366 AdministerMassFailure(Result);
367 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
369 { Expect 2xx reply. }
370 if (Response.GetNumericCode div 100) = 2 then begin
372 TCP.SendCommand(SMTP_C_EHLO, MainServerConfig.Name);
373 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
375 if Response.GetNumericCode = SMTP_R_OK then begin
376 for i:= 1 to Response.Count - 1 do begin
377 Line:= UpperCase(Response.GetLine(i));
378 if pos('PIPELINING', Line) = 1 then
379 SMTPExtensions.Pipelining:= true
380 else if pos('SIZE', Line) = 1 then
381 SMTPExtensions.Size:= true
382 else if pos('8BITMIME', Line) = 1 then
383 SMTPExtensions.EbitMIME:= true;
384 end;
385 Result:= true;
386 end
387 else if (Response.GetNumericCode >= 500) and (Response.GetNumericCode <= 504) then begin
388 { It seems the remote site did not understand our EHLO, that is,
389 let's admit, quite odd in the 21st century...
390 Whatever, let's fall back to RFC 821 then. }
391 TCP.SendCommand(SMTP_C_HELO, MainServerConfig.Name);
392 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
393 Result:= Response.GetNumericCode = SMTP_R_OK;
394 end;
396 if Result then begin
397 if FRoutingTarget.Auth then begin
398 TCP.SendCommand(SMTP_C_AUTH, 'LOGIN');
399 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
400 if Response.GetNumericCode = SMTP_R_AUTH_MESSAGE then begin
401 StringStream:= TStringStream.Create('');
402 Base64EncodingStream:= TBase64EncodingStream.Create(StringStream);
403 Base64EncodingStream.Write(PChar(FRoutingTarget.Username)^, Length(FRoutingTarget.Username));
404 Base64EncodingStream.Destroy;
405 TCP.WriteLn(StringStream.DataString);
406 StringStream.Destroy;
407 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
408 if Response.GetNumericCode = SMTP_R_AUTH_MESSAGE then begin
409 StringStream:= TStringStream.Create('');
410 Base64EncodingStream:= TBase64EncodingStream.Create(StringStream);
411 Base64EncodingStream.Write(PChar(FRoutingTarget.Password)^, Length(FRoutingTarget.Password));
412 Base64EncodingStream.Destroy;
413 TCP.WriteLn(StringStream.DataString);
414 StringStream.Destroy;
415 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
416 Authenticated:= Response.GetNumericCode = SMTP_R_AUTH_SUCCESSFUL;
417 end
418 else Authenticated:= false;
419 end
420 else Authenticated:= false;
421 end
422 else Authenticated:= true;
424 if not Authenticated then AdministerMassFailure(Result);
425 end
426 else AdministerMassFailure(Result);
428 end
429 else AdministerMassFailure(Result);
430 end;
432 function TRelayer.SendEnvelope: boolean;
433 { Sends the envelope (that is the return-path and the recipient addresses).
434 The function returns true, if the MAIL command were successful, and the
435 relay server has accepted at least one of the recipient addresses.
436 This function returns false if a null reply is read, which is considered
437 as protocol violation.
438 This function is aware of the SMTP extension, named PIPELINING. If it's
439 supported by the server, we send RCPT commands stuffed, without waiting
440 for a response. After all RCPTs are sent, we check all responses. }
441 var
442 i, c: integer; UltimateFail: boolean; Prms: string;
444 procedure ProcessRCPTResponse;
445 begin
446 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
447 { If we get an "OK" reply code, we increase the count of successful
448 recipients. }
449 if Response.GetNumericCode = SMTP_R_OK then Inc(c)
450 { Response code 0 is non-existent in the SMTP protocol.
451 If we receive something we _perceive_ as 0, then it is likely
452 that something seriously went wrong. MgSMTP shouldn't treat
453 this condition as permanent. }
454 else if Response.GetNumericCode = 0 then UltimateFail:= true;
455 Envelope.SetRecipientData(i, Response.GetNumericCode, Response.ReplyText.Text);
456 end;
458 begin
459 { The MAIL command is considered the beginning of the transaction. }
460 FTransactionComplete:= false;
461 UltimateFail:= false;
462 Response.Clear;
463 Prms:= 'FROM:<' + Envelope.ReturnPath + '>';
465 if SMTPExtensions.Size then
466 Prms:= Prms + ' SIZE=' + IntToStr(EMailProperties.Size);
467 if SMTPExtensions.EbitMIME and EMailProperties.HasFlag(EF_8BITMIME) then
468 Prms:= Prms + ' BODY=8BITMIME';
470 TCP.SendCommand(SMTP_C_MAIL, Prms);
471 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
472 if Response.GetNumericCode = SMTP_R_OK then begin
473 c:= 0;
474 for i:= 0 to Envelope.GetNumberOfRecipients - 1 do begin
475 TCP.SendCommand(SMTP_C_RCPT, 'TO:<' + Envelope.GetRecipient(i).Address + '>');
476 { If pipelining is not supported, read the responses now. }
477 if not SMTPExtensions.Pipelining then ProcessRCPTResponse;
478 end;
480 { If pipelining is supported, process all responses. }
481 if SMTPExtensions.Pipelining then
482 for i:= 0 to Envelope.GetNumberOfRecipients - 1 do
483 ProcessRCPTResponse;
485 Result:= (c <> 0) and (not UltimateFail);
487 { If there are no accepted recipients, and no protocol failure is
488 discovered, we can't send the DATA command, and practically we
489 can do nothing more for this transaction. Therefore it is
490 considered complete by protocol. }
491 FTransactionComplete:= (c = 0) and (not UltimateFail);
493 if not Result then begin
494 { Either way, try to reset SMTP state in case of failure. }
495 TCP.SendCommand(SMTP_C_RSET);
496 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
497 end;
498 end
499 else AdministerMassFailure(Result);
500 end;
502 function TRelayer.PrepareSendMessage;
503 { Prepares mail transmission with the DATA command. }
504 begin
505 TCP.SendCommand(SMTP_C_DATA);
506 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
507 Result:= Response.GetNumericCode = SMTP_R_START_MAIL_INPUT;
508 end;
510 function TRelayer.DeliverMessagePart(Chunk: TStrings): boolean;
511 { Sends a chunk of the message. }
512 var i: integer;
513 begin
514 { Check for lines starting with dots. }
515 for i:= 0 to Chunk.Count - 1 do
516 if (Length(Chunk.Strings[i]) > 0) and (Chunk.Strings[i][1] = '.') then
517 Chunk.Strings[i]:= '.' + Chunk.Strings[i];
519 { Send text. }
520 Result:= TCP.WriteBuffer(PChar(Chunk.Text), Length(Chunk.Text)) <> -1;
521 end;
523 procedure TRelayer.FinishDeliverMessage;
524 { Finishes the message with a line containing a single dot. }
525 var i: integer;
526 begin
527 TCP.WriteLn('.');
528 TCP.ReadResponse(Response);
530 { Mark the transaction complete, if we have a valid response. }
531 FTransactionComplete:= Response.GetNumericCode <> 0;
533 for i:= 0 to Envelope.GetNumberOfRecipients - 1 do begin
534 { Set status code for recipients those were accepted in the envelope stage: }
535 if Envelope.GetRecipient(i).Data = SMTP_R_OK then
536 Envelope.SetRecipientData(i, Response.GetNumericCode, Response.ReplyText.Text);
537 end;
538 end;
540 procedure TRelayer.CloseConnection;
541 begin
542 TCP.SendCommand(SMTP_C_QUIT);
543 {TCP.ReadResponse(Response);}
544 TCP.Free;
545 end;
548 function TRelayManager.CreateRelayer(Envelope: TEnvelope; EMailProperties: TEMailProperties): TRelayer;
549 begin
550 Result:= TRelayer.Create(RoutingTable, Envelope, EMailProperties);
551 end;
553 function TRelayManager.IsOnRelayToList(HostName: string): boolean;
554 begin
555 Result:= RelayToList.IndexOf(HostName) <> -1;
556 end;
558 function TRelayManager.IsOnNoRelayToList(HostName: string): boolean;
559 begin
560 Result:= NoRelayToList.IndexOf(HostName) <> -1;
561 end;
563 function TRelayManager.OrganizeEnvelopes(Envelopes: TEnvelopeArray): TEnvelopeArray;
564 { Organizes the given envelopes for relaying.
565 This function assumes that input envelopes are containing recipient
566 addresses orientating to the same site.
567 If it turns out that e-mails for multiple sites must be actually relayed
568 through the same relay server, this function merges the envelopes for
569 those sites; so later, such e-mails will be transmitted though a single
570 connection.
572 For example, the configuration file indicates:
573 - E-mails for "" must be relayed through "myrelaysmtp".
574 - E-mails for "" must be also relayed through "myrelaysmtp".
575 In this case, the envelopes for "" and "" will be merged,
576 and the e-mail for these sites will be transmitted in one TCP connection. }
578 var i, j, k: integer; f: boolean; Recipient: TRecipient; OrgHost, TrgHost: string;
579 begin
580 SetLength(Result, 0);
581 for i:= 0 to Length(Envelopes) - 1 do begin
582 if Envelopes[i].GetNumberOfRecipients > 0 then begin
583 Recipient:= Envelopes[i].GetRecipient(0);
584 OrgHost:= EMailHost(Recipient.Address);
585 TrgHost:= RoutingTable.ReRoute(OrgHost);
586 if TrgHost = '!' then TrgHost:= OrgHost;
587 j:= 0; f:= false;
588 while (j < Length(Result)) and (not f) do begin
589 f:= Result[j].RelayHost = TrgHost;
590 Inc(j);
591 end;
592 { Note, if (not f) then j holds Length(Result). }
593 if not f then begin
594 SetLength(Result, j + 1);
595 Result[j]:= TEnvelope.Create;
596 Result[j].ReturnPath:= Envelopes[i].ReturnPath;
597 Result[j].RelayHost:= TrgHost;
598 end
599 else Dec(j); { j must be decremented, because we over-incremented it in the loop. }
600 with Result[j] do begin
601 { Add first recipient to the envelope. }
602 AddRecipient(Recipient);
603 { Add the remaining recipients. }
604 for k:= 1 to Envelopes[i].GetNumberOfRecipients - 1 do
605 AddRecipient(Envelopes[i].GetRecipient(k));
606 end;
607 end;
608 end;
609 end;
612 end.